Imagine that you and your spouse are both working several part-time jobs and the only roof over your family’s head right now is the ceiling of your vehicle. While CSA’s compassionate case management team is working closely with you to find permanent housing, your family has immediate needs. Where do you take showers? How do you wash your clothing? What if your child has a tooth-ache? Your bad back is acting up, and you can’t take time off to recuperate.
What do you do?
Over the past two years, CSA has been actively partnering with nonprofit organizations that bring services on-site to help meet community members’ needs. These include the following:
- Free showers and laundry service every Tuesday afternoon, from 1:00 to 4:00, through Dignity on Wheels
- Medical, mental health and substance abuse support services every Thursday, from 8:30 to 4:00, through Valley Homeless Healthcare Program
- Free dental services for homeless and low-income families the first and third Wednesdays of each month, from 9:00 to 4:00, through Health Mobile
“These additional services are an outgrowth of our 2016 Strategic Plan to reimagine and reinvent services to meet changing client circumstances and needs,” says Nicole Fargo Nosich, CSA Associate Director. “Having these additional resources conveniently located on-site has truly made a difference for our clients, especially those with limited access to transportation and/or inflexible work schedules.”