Dear Friends,
Fall is the season during which Community Services Agency both measures impact achieved over the past year as the safety net for Mountain View, Los Altos, and Los Altos Hills and looks to the community for continued support for the year to come.
Thanks to your generosity, we have prevented nearly 4,300 individuals from losing their housing over the past year and assisted nearly 1,000 who are currently unhoused. We have provided nutritious groceries to over 3,100 community members, one-third of whom are children. Over 900 seniors have enjoyed a hot lunch and hundreds have received services helping them live independently at home.
Around Thanksgiving, we will share our annual report which provides more detailed information about the work CSA has done with your support. And we hope you will continue to offer your support, because without you, CSA would not be able to do this critical work.
I would like to close by sharing a quote from a volunteer in our Food & Nutrition Center that captures how many of us feel when we are able to help. Archanana says “I was touched when I saw an older woman smile as she filled her grocery bag with veggies. She wouldn’t have to sleep hungry that night.”
I invite you to make a gift on our website now in support of CSA’s work fighting poverty, hunger and homelessness in our community. Thank you for your continued support.
In gratitude,
Tom Myers
Executive Director